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Create Agent Device

To add a new device, select the type of device in the Create Agent Device view.

Create Agent Device

A cloud device can only be added if the agent doesn't already have a cloud device because an agent is limited to one cloud device.

If a storage server is configured and the user has permissions to view cloud storage accounts, a cloud device can be added from an existing cloud storage account.

Create Agent Device

If the agent is disconnected, the device will be pending its addition until the agent reconnects.

In this case, the Status Type will be set to Add Device Pending.

If the agent is connected and the backup client service is running, the device will get created immediately.

In this case, the Status Type will be set to Success.

Create Amazon S3 Compatible Device
Create Amazon S3 Compatible Device From Existing Cloud Storage Account
Create Cloud Device From Existing Cloud Storage Account
Create Cloud Device
Create Local or Network Storage Device

Permissions required

Edit Agents