Table of Contents


The input fields and the OK button are disabled for users without permissions to edit jobs and for unmanaged jobs.


Agent file backup job schedule - None


Agent file backup job schedule - Once

Start time

The date and time the scheduled job will start.

The date and time must be set at a minimum from 1970 to the maximum 3001-1-18 11:59:59 PM, in UTC.

The date and time is displayed relative to the CMon user account's time zone and according to the pattern from their selected language.

Maximum run time

The maximum time the job must complete before it will be forced to stop.

The maximum run time must be less than 16 hours and 40 minutes.

An empty field indicates the job will not be limited to complete within a certain amount of time.

Setting the hours and minutes to 0 will clear the field.


Agent file backup job schedule - Minute

The repeat interval for the Minutes and Seconds fields must be between 0 and 59.

The Minutes and Seconds fields must not both be 0.


Agent file backup job schedule - Hourly

The Hours field must be between 1 and 23.


Agent file backup job schedule - Daily

The Days field must be between 1 and 999.

At least one day of the week must be selected.


Agent file backup job schedule - Weekly

The Weeks field must be between 1 and 52.


Agent file backup job schedule - Monthly

The Months field must be between 1 and 12.

The Day of the month field must be between 1 and 31.